Slung Low

Founded in 2000 Slung Low is an award-winning theatre company specialising in making epic productions in non-theatre spaces
Founded in 2000 Slung Low is an award-winning theatre company specialising in making epic productions in non-theatre spaces, often with large community performance companies at their heart. During the COVID-19 crisis, Slung Low turned into a non-means tested food bank offering food parcels.

11 GoodGymers have supported Slung Low with 3 tasks.

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LeedsCommunity mission

Gardening at Slung Low

Sunday 27th February 2022

Written by Gemma

This morning, two GoodGymers Gemma and Thomas headed to Slung Low to help them prepare their garden space for spring. The mission started at 10am, and unlike last week, the weather was beautiful. Gemma and Thomas spent 2 hours clearing the weeds and turning over the soil. They were helped for part of the task by a local man, John, who supported Gemma and Tom in pulling up the weeds. Ruth from Slung Low treated the GoodGymers to a cup of tea during the task and a chocolate bar to refuel after the session, both of which were much appreciated.

Today was Thomas's first GoodGym mission. He was great, getting fully stuck in and helping to make a big difference at Slung Low.

GoodGym will hopefully be heading back to Slung Low to help them plant up the now nicely prepped garden area. So watch this space!

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LeedsCommunity mission
JennyRob CohenJack AbbottEmma Presley AbbottKatie LeesHelen Noyes

A lorra lorra food parcels!

Friday 27th November 2020

Written by Helen Noyes

Six good gymers met at Slung Low (aka Holbeck WMC) for a meet and greet from Alan. The theatre company is currently distributing up to 300 food parcels daily to local residents and were welcoming volunteers to pack bags with fresh and dry groceries. So we climbed into an articulated lorry to bag up supplied donated by organisations on an industrial scale. A production line was formed and bags filled at a cracking pace. Alan presented us with jars of homemade jam as a reward!

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LeedsCommunity mission
Suzzi GarnettAnna AshbridgeRob CohenDamu

Slung Low, Sweet Chariot

Tuesday 17th November 2020

Written by Damu

This morning, four Leeds Goodgymers made their way to Holbeck to help out at Slung Low, a brilliant theatre company that has been helping the local area be well fed and looked after.

After a quick show around of the foodbank site, they were put on the refrigerated truck and got stuck into filling some tote bags full of fresh fruit and veg.

About 30 bags deep, it was time to deliver some of the goods in and around Leeds. Rob jumped in his trusty steed and delivered with gusto; while the other three attempted to make some deliveries on foot. Unfortunately this proved to be a bit of a fruitless exercise (nobody home!), but at least it got the heart rate flowing.

They were quickly back in action on the truck, with Suzie and Anna back on fresh food duty, while Adam was tasked with dried goods. And special kudos to Anna for completing her first task with GoodGym, she deserves a cheer or two!

The three had just finished up as Rob returned to the car park, so after a quick group photo we were all off on our merry way home.

We were all very impressed with how slick the operation was, and two goodgymers are going to be returning tomorrow, while we hope to get a lot more missions with Slung Low in the near future.

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