SE5 Forum for Camberwell

SE5 Forum for Camberwell runs a market stall on Camberwell Green every Saturday

Se5 forum for Camberwell is an online forum which promotes projects in the community for the impro vement of facilities and the environment in Camberwell.

25 GoodGymers have supported SE5 Forum for Camberwell with 97 tasks.

Top supporters
Sam Lefevre
Sam Lefevre (he/him)
Daryl Shaw
Daryl Shaw (he/him)
Southwark runner
Maria Kostoulia
Maria Kostoulia (she/they)

Upcoming sessions
Setting up market stall for SE5 Forum Camberwell

Saturday 27th July 2024 9:30am - 10:00am

Setting up market stall for SE5 Forum Camberwell

Saturday 3rd August 2024 9:30am - 10:00am

Setting up market stall for SE5 Forum Camberwell

Saturday 10th August 2024 9:30am - 10:00am

Previous sessions
SouthwarkCommunity mission
Daryl ShawSam LefevreMaria Kostoulia

Feeling Good for the festival setup

Saturday 6th July

Written by Sam Lefevre (he/him)

Daryl, Maria and Sam met up the Feel Good festival organisers on Camberwell Green to help put up three gazebos and help move chairs and tables to ensure the the festival started on time.

We finished all tasks with 20 minutes to spare! Well done all! 👏🏼

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SouthwarkCommunity mission
Sam Lefevre

Quick flyer drop

Tuesday 14th May

Written by Sam Lefevre (he/him)

Noticing no one else had signed up, Sam left home earlier to tackle the streets around Camberwell in just under 45 minutes as there were quite a few estates that weren't accessible. Still around 100 flats were covered in that time. Stairs plenty, steps even more...

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SouthwarkCommunity mission
Maria KostouliaSam Lefevre

A GoodGym start to the Bank holiday

Saturday 4th May

Written by Sam Lefevre (he/him)

In a slight detour to Sam's brother's birthday BBQ, Maria and Sam had to get a good deed in to start the bank holiday weekend right, so they helped out Marie setup the SE5 Forum market stall on a sunny Saturday. They managed to set it all up in 20 minutes!

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SouthwarkCommunity mission
Daryl ShawMaria Kostoulia

SE5 Forum Setup☁️

Saturday 27th April

Written by Maria Kostoulia (she/they)

Maria arrived slightly earlier, and with the help of Dylan, a new volunteer at SE5 Forum (and fresh Goodgymer), set up the gazebo and tables before Daryl arrived and helped with displaying all the products and freebies.

Another quick setup for the stall!

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SouthwarkCommunity mission
DavidMaria Kostoulia

SE5 Forum Setup

Saturday 20th April

Written by Maria Kostoulia (she/they)

Another successful setup of the SE5 Forum stall. ☀️

Even though Maria was running 5' late, the task was completed in 30' as per usual.

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SouthwarkCommunity mission
Daryl ShawLindy Macfarlane

Sunny set up

Saturday 13th April

Written by Lindy Macfarlane

Quick work setting up SE5 stall on a sunny April morning 🤙🏼🤙🏼

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