Ealing Sharing Space

A resident-led community project to share skills, knowledge and ideas about how to be more sustainable and do everyday climate actions.
Provide free community workshops for Ealing residents so we can be more sustainable together

6 GoodGymers have supported Ealing Sharing Space with 1 task.

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EalingCommunity mission
KashStephDucatAlan ArmstrongSevanAnuj SharmaEmmanuella Contopoulou

Excuse my Drench

Monday 6th May

Written by Kash

On the Early May Bank Holiday, GoodGym Ealing had a different take on playing rock, paper, scissors.

The paper 📰, in the form of leaflets, was a weapon against something much more dangerous than rocks - waste 🗑️! The flyers to be distributed among residential houses around Ealing Broadway advertised a community project Ealing Sharing Space by the Circular Education Hub. At the same time, we dropped some leaflets for the Ealing Friends of the Earth.

In place of scissors, the greatest threat to the paper was water 💧. It seemed that we had picked the worst one-hour slot during the entire long weekend to do a leafletting task! Heavy rain was pouring out of the sky non-stop. The weather didn't scare off either the short-distance runners: Sevan and Kash, longer-distance runners: Steph Ducat and Anuj, or cyclists: Emmanuella and Alan.

A short briefing at the Ealing Broadway shopping centre explained that our aim for the morning was to promote free, weekly community events in Ealing Project cinema where residents can come together to share stories, skills (like sewing, upcycling, sustainable cooking), stuff (e.g. toys and books), and take practical steps against climate change.

We decided to target the houses between Ealing Broadway and Ealing Common. As we walked, discussions ensued about whether the streets we had picked were the good ones. The good ones usually mean streets with big houses converted to multiple flats or house sharing, but not necessarily expensive-looking family homes. We encountered a combination of residents' housing.

"This person drives the newest Porsche, I'm not going to drop leaflets there. They won't be interested in sustainable living."
"Was the car electric?"

"Maybe we are biased. Those who are better-off can be educated about sustainable living and interested in the activities we advertise."

The last street we hit was definitely a good one, with smaller houses and many letterboxes. That's when we ran out of leaflets that started getting damp. Those of us sporting weather-appropriate clothing held the flyers dearly under their jackets. The GoodGymers who had showed up today wearing t-shirts and sunglasses couldn't do much apart from still looking cool 😎 despite being soaked. With the distribution finished early, the drenched bunch marched back to the shopping centre to grab a coffee or hot chocolate ☕ to adjust their level of cosiness to an acceptable standard.

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