Joel Wiles

GoodGym Westminster

Mark GilyeadCharlie Linton
Mohammad Tamjid Bin Sarwar

Restore nature now!

Saturday 22nd June

Written by Southwark runner

On Saturday, 5 Goodgymmers went to the Restore Nature Now march together. We met outside Leon in Victoria station and we walked together to Park Lane which was where the march started from. We joined the march, which ended in parliament square. We collected stickers and leaflets from the groups around us. We marvelled at the imaginative costumes. Mark had a photoshoot with his excellent sign. We chatted about our favourite wildlife charities, the upcoming general elections, and ethical banks. We talked about living in Bromley. We arrived to parliament square to some singing (Angels by Robbie Williams but replace "Angels" with "nature"), more chanting, and lots speeches. We saw peregrine falcons in the sky. We saw a dragonfly on Mark's hat. Charlie showed off his excellent knowledge of insects by identifying it as a four-spotted chaser.

It was an wonderful afternoon. Thanks all!

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Shopping & Smiles with Ms. B

Tuesday 18th June

Written by Tania

I met Ms. B at her place for her grocery shopping trip. The doorbell wasn't working, but luckily she had a note out. She was all set with a shopping list and even brought some of the items for me to see, which made things super easy! She even had two reusable shopping bags ready to go – how organized is she?

We had a great chat while I was there. Ms. B is so much fun to talk to, and she always has a smile on her face!

After our chat, I headed to the store and bought everything on her list. Back at her place, I gave her the groceries, the receipt, and any leftover change. I also reminded her about the referrals GoodGym needs to keep assisting her.

Ms. B is a fantastic person – so friendly and open! It sounds like she's lived a really interesting life. I wished her all the best and I'm happy to help out with her shopping again anytime.

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Kenny Wong

Green Green Waitrose run

Saturday 8th June

Written by Kenny Wong

Ms B was happy to see me as she was out of stock and very appreciative of my help. We had a chat about life in the UK and London, how much things have changed and a global view upon the UK etc , all very stimulating and interesting. I picked up the list and added a few items to the list as I was wondering why no fruits and vegetables were on the list. Walked to Waitrose and it was my first time at this branch so too some going to get my head around the layout etc. got all items on the list and picked up a few things for myself. All quite heavy and I sped up and got back to Ms B in good time. She was impressed by the smaller than usual bill. I shared her sentiments as it’s not the same when one shops for oneself with a leisure list and ended up buying way too much.
Ms B was happy and I wish her well.

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Emily Oldfield

Thyme for some Gardening

Sunday 19th May

Written by Emily Oldfield

I cycled over to meet Mrs C on a beautiful sunny Sunday and was delighted to also meet her two lovely cats. After a quick chat we went out to the front garden and I got to work clearing leaves and rubbish, planting some allium bulbs, pruning bushes, and planting some pot plants. I also dug a hole next to each of the two different types of apple trees in order to add some root food. Mrs C kept me company throughout, teaching me about the different plants and trees and some useful gardening tips. After giving everything a good watering it was time to call it a day. Mrs C was very grateful and I hopped back on my bike home to enjoy the sun.

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WestminsterCommunity mission
TamKenny Wong

Wrong information

Thursday 16th May

Written by Kenny Wong

I arrived in time and was given the wrong information as I couldn’t see a familiar face at all. I was invited to join the queue as a homeless person for dinner as there were two other organisations serving food also, well I kindly turned down. One in the photo attached here.

While waiting, I tried to reach out on email and phone but I didn't have any response, I was disappointed and surprised honestly. One homeless person approached me as he said I looked like a volunteer and he then told me I was in the wrong place and Rhythms was stationed by St Martin-in-the-fields. I then quickly ran over after stood in front of Zimbabwe house for 25 mins.

The person in charge of Rhythms has been wondering why there were weeks where he was informed that volunteers were coming but no one turned up, I assume it’s the same reason? Please GoodGym you need to get this right!

I joined the other goodgymer there and we finished by 8pm. A feel good mission nonetheless.

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A rail of a time

Friday 17th May

Written by Southwark runner

Joaquin and I clambered up four flights of stairs on a sunny day in West London to see Mr M.

His clothes were hanging on a cardboard box in the corner of his living room; we were there to put a clothes rail up for him.

Turns out both Joaquin and I love a bit of furniture building so it was done in no time. On the way down we carried some of Mr M's rubbish out to the local collection point as an added service to clear the room.

Job well done.

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