
Community mission

You wouldn't be-leaf how many trees were planted

4 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Barnet.

  • Emma
  • Jennifer
  • Moya Malekin
  • Rebekkah Abraham
Sunday, 19th of February 2023
Led by Paul Salman

4 Goodgymers made their way to Coppets Wood Nature Reserve on a bright Sunday morning, to help the Coppetts Wood Conservationists, who look after Coppetts Wood and the Glebelands local Nature Reserves. The task was to plant 100 bare rooted tree saplings, a mix including ash, beech and hornbeam, to help establish a light barrier to protect wildlife from a new building development adjacent to the reserve. Jennifer, Rebekkah, Emma and Moya donned gloves along with conservationist Jake, and made their way with wheelbarrows to the site, where Petra and Brian demonstrated how to make the hole, plant and fill in, and then protect with mesh covered by more soil. Each tree was marked with a cane so that they can be identified as the foliage around grows up, and a few already established trees were lining the pathway. We stopped for tea made by Bob, and a (very nice chocolate) biscuit break, and then completed the job adding a clear plastic cover around each sapling to protect them from being eaten, and then gave them all a good drink of water to set them off. 3 hours work and some good chat, and all 100 trees were planted! Let's hope they all get off to a rootin' tootin' good start.

Report written by Moya Malekin

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Paul Salman
Paul Salman
Sunday February 19th, 2023 17:30

Excellent work.. what a great legacy you have initiated. Sorry not to be there!

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Paul Salman
Led by Paul Salman

Area Activator : UK Athletics LiRF qualified Run Leader : Ultimate Coach UKU : Yoga Teacher BSY Diploma

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Moya Malekin
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Moya Malekin

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Help clear up a local woodland and recreational space Coldfall

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:15
Led by Paul Salman
Phoenix Cinema

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