
Group run

You want Pizza of This?

8 GoodGymers made their way 7.0km to help the Cody Dock in Newham.

  • Brahma Pochee
  • Rosa
  • Hilary
  • Sharon
  • Kevin Prince
  • Georgina Chalk
  • York runner
  • Catriona Barker
Wednesday, 1st of March 2023
Led by Brahma Pochee

Booted off March with a flyering session yesterday, four of us ran down to Cody Dock, when we eventually became a respectable eight. Amongst the chat on route was "what's your favourite pizza?" Goats cheese and red onion? Half and half style, with tuna on one side, cajun chicken on the other? Ham, olives, mushrooms and goats cheese? American Hot? Or as Kev said -"ALL the pizza".

Two groups dished out some info for the upcoming Spring Fair at Cody Doc, see details here. With a plusher flyer than we're used to, things are obviously going well dockside. Louise, joined us after her Tour of east London's back streets, just in time to post a few leaflets.

Not a huge amount else to report really - next week should be nice, short run over to Get Out Community Garden, for some hands on action in Bow's permaculture oasis. Sign up here

Have a good end to your week - and enjoy those pizzas.


Report written by Brahma Pochee

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Brahma Pochee
Led by Brahma Pochee

GoodGym Newham Coordinator

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Sharon
  • Back markers

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Kevin Prince
    • Sharon

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Emanuel Parish Church

Wednesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Brahma Pochee
PrintHouse Bar, 133 High St

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