
Community mission

Woking Junior Park Run 🏃🏾‍♂️

4 GoodGymers made their way to help the parkrun - Woking junior parkrun in Woking.

  • Woking runner
  • Adam
  • Wayne
  • James McCloud
Sunday, 21st of January 2024
Led by Wayne

On this wet & windy morning 4 GG Members carried out various roles at the junior park run. Wayne, Adam, & Anne took on marshalling roles encouraging & supporting the young runners around the 2k course.

Anne continued with her training for the San Francisco marathon by putting another impressive run. Adam who has been under weather managed to come along and support the runners.

James was this morning pacing a young runner around the course, both seemed to enjoy it as they were chatting all the way round.

I total 109 runners took part this morning with the fastest time at 07:23 with 12 PB’s. Great running by everyone.

This coming Wednesday we might be at Pyrford School but this is to be confirmed.

Have a great weekend everyone 😀 Regards Wayne

Report written by James McCloud

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Woking runner
Woking runner
Sunday January 21st, 2024 21:31

Thank you Wayne!

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Led by Wayne

GoodGym Woking Run Leader

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Adam
  • Walk Leaders

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • James McCloud
    • Woking runner

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Woking Food Bank

Thursday 19:00 - 20:00
Led by Wayne
Woking Leisure Centre

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