Wheelie fun evening at Full Cycle

8 GoodGymers made their way to help the Full Cycle Community Bike Project in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Dave White
  • Rachel White
  • Tom Peacock
  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Sabir Babaiy Majdar
  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Emma Crowe
Tuesday, 5th of March 2024
Led by Rachel White

We had another great evening helping out at Full Cycle, an independent, non-profit community bike project. We had the great honour of celebrating Emily's 100th good deed and we thanked her for her amazingness. Well done, Emily!

Eight GoodGymers got stuck in to the tasks Callum had lined up for us. Emma rolled up punctured inner tubes for recycling, Tom, Sabir and Rachel made rags to clean the bikes, and over the course of evening, together with Jade, Emily, Jo and Dave, we all helped to clean nine children’s bikes ready for resale or donating to children in need in the community. This might sound a quick and easy task but as anyone with a well-used bike will know, mud and grit can get in every nook and cranny! By using the three bike repair stands we were able to hang up each bike making all the nooks and crannies easier to reach! Hopefully we did a thorough job and can be invited back to help out again!

We all went in different directions from Full Cycle, walking, cycling and running, with a cool down at the Quaker Centre for those of us who wanted to head in that direction. Lovely to see Jo again - who now splits her time between Goodgym Bristol and GoodGym Kingston! 👏

Report written by Emma Crowe

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Rachel White
Led by Rachel White

I am the area activator for Kingston Upon Thames. Keen to keep moving and improving.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Kingston upon Thames runner

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Create a window display for the British Heart Foundation shop

Tuesday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Rachel White
The Quaker Centre

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