
Group run

Weed Whackers

8 GoodGymers made their way 3.0km to help their local community in Newham.

  • Brahma Pochee
  • Paul Cornick
  • Hilary
  • Sharon
  • Kevin Prince
  • Simon Hempenstall
  • Dimple
  • Catriona Barker
Wednesday, 7th of June 2023
Led by Brahma Pochee

On a glorious June evening the clan nipped over to the local permaculture community garden. A couple of us walked, myself from Mile End due to a bad back, Sharon from base as she recovers from surgery.

Francesco met us there, a lovely chap who's a new volunteer for Get Out. We gloved up and split up; weeding, watering and compost turning - the holy trinity. The garden is flourishing with life, that includes unwanted flora, we stunted some of the growth near the tomatoes, onions and potatoes. The compost had Si and Hils doing solid work rotating it for a good chunk of the session, hastening up that decomposition. Sharon took over on watering and did a full round of the beds and the polytunnels, lovely work.

As our sessions go it was a relatively relaxed one, allowing me to get the scoop on Bath racing and socialising. Bravo again to all who made it and equally made strides in their running progression; from Dimple's first 10k to Kev's 'getting it done' execution after a really tough few weeks. Hats off to you all, sounded a cracking weekend.

Next week we meet Jimmy at Nomadic gardens, expect more of a workout, possibly in the form of shifting tonnes of wood chip. Sign up here

Till then,


Report written by Brahma Pochee

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Brahma Pochee
Led by Brahma Pochee

GoodGym Newham Coordinator

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Sharon
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Kevin Prince

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Emanuel Parish Church

Wednesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Brahma Pochee
PrintHouse Bar, 133 High St

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