
Community mission

Weed all about it!

6 GoodGymers made their way to help the NorthWest TWO Residents Association in Brent.

  • Tabitha Skinner
  • Lee Worth
  • Rebecca Marston
  • Josh Stevens
  • Christine Mentz
  • Cherian Li
Saturday, 4th of November 2023
Led by Tabitha Skinner

Last Saturday morning Carol and Marie welcomed Goodgym Brent to the Willesden community allotments

The beds needed weeding and turning to get them ready for planting later in the season.
The wet weather made the ground soft, and the volunteers a little wet, so we keenly started weeding and digging. While digging we found a large number of worms , and a few potatoes.... perfect for a lovely lunch

After spending the time digging and weeding we could really see the difference . The sun came out as the morning went on and we moved on to the next task which was moving wood chip to create a path between beds . We worked well as a team , filling buckets and barrows and wheeling them back to spread on the path .

There is still lots to be done but we made a great job of starting the transformation. It was time to call it a day , take a team photo , and enjoy the orange juice and cakes that Marie & Carol had very generously provided for us all

Thank you to everyone who was able to make it , and we expect to be back soon ! You can read more about the work of the NW2 residents association here :

Report written by Tabitha Skinner

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Tabitha Skinner
Led by Tabitha Skinner

GoodGym Brent Run Leader

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Rebecca Marston

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GG Brent - Clitterhouse gardening sesh!

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Tabitha Skinner
Beer and Burger

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