
Group run

We're Back!

6 GoodGymers made their way 2.0km to help the C4WS in Camden.

  • John Shirley
  • Jacqueline Shirley
  • Alex Murtough
  • Camden runner
  • York runner
  • Ivar Toft
Wednesday, 13th of December 2023
Led by Alex Murtough

This chilly Wednesday evening, 6 happy Camden GoodGymers restarted a special tradition...

...for some years now, one night of the week in Camden was known as GoodGym night...

...perhaps you'd be walking by Kings Cross, strolling through Camden Lock, or hiking high up on the Heath...

...and then you'd stop, because right there, in the distance but moving closer, closer, closer...

...would be a mass of red t-shirts, each attached to smiling chatty faces, and quite probably carrying an assortment of gardening tools, litter, and leaflets...

...Camden Group Runs are back, folks!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌

We started our evening just by the British Library, where good-deeding heroes John and Louise joined me for a quick warm up where we tried to count to twenty - we made it!

Our friendly trio then hot-footed and weaved our way through the festive rush of Euston Road and Bloosmbury, arriving at the wonderful American International Church on Tottenham Court Road, where we were met by the lovely Ivar, Jacqueline, and Lici.

Our task for the evening was to set up the beds for AIC's Wednesday evening cold weather shelter, which they run weekly between November and March as part of C4WS's essential support for some of our city's most vulnerable.

Met and guided by Brooke and Tina, we quickly got to grips with unloading and making up the beds, making sure the evening's guests arrived to clean, neat, and tidy spaces for sleeping. In 20 minutes, this hard-working and friendly crew made 13 perfect beds 💪

Undeterred by a later finish, we all stayed to make up toiletry bags for each of the evening's guests, filling them to their brims with the essentials so many of us take for granted 💛

It was a joy to spend those 90 minutes with this special group - thank you, all - and see you soon for another Camden Group Run!!

Report written by Alex Murtough

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Jack Da Silva
Jack Da Silva
Monday December 18th, 2023 15:52

well done all, really great to see. What a lovely task to kick off the group runs!

Alex Murtough
Alex Murtough
Monday December 18th, 2023 16:09

Thanks Jack!!

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FRIENDLY GROUP SESSION!! 💚 Finishing Touches to Our Redecoration Efforts at the Brady Arts Centre!!

Wednesday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Alex Murtough

Opposite Barbican Underground Station

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