Kingston upon Thames

Community mission

We’ll get to the ROOT of this!

3 GoodGymers made their way to help the Friends of Ham Lands in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Jane Yelloly
  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Eliza Gu
Saturday, 11th of May 2019
Led by Kingston upon Thames runner

New tool alert!!

We’ve been very much enjoying the variety of new tools (yes, actual tools!!) that have been gradually introduced to us at the butterflies project over the months, and today it was time for the launch of the Roughneck Micro Pick & Mattock! This nifty specimen kept Samia entertained for the entire task - and after too, as this naturally opens the way for more puns...

It was Jane’s 99th good deed and she set her sights on the Ivy League, hacking through the ivy on the ground. Eliza was brimming with enthusiasm at the thought of a task that involved pulling out and clearing various invasive plants and was soon far into the overgrowth, somehow managing to cut through thick tree branches with her loppers. Samia was on bramble digging duty and was picking, mattocking, digging and yanking the stubborn customers out.

No MATTOCK how much you try to resist, I’ll grab you by the ROUGH OF YOUR NECK and get to the ROOT of this!

Yes, sounds quite violent - and it needed to be so, when you realise the enormous giant-potato-esque roots that were being dug!

After an intense upper body workout, we ventured off, no longer armed with micro mattocks or tree poppers, but feeling like superwomen. That, or like our arms may soon fall off...

Report written by Kingston upon Thames runner

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Create a window display for the British Heart Foundation shop

Tuesday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Rachel White
The Quaker Centre

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