Kingston upon Thames

Community mission

We litter pick like common people

5 GoodGymers made their way to help the Ham and Petersham Association in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Jane Yelloly
  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Jack Concanon
  • Kingston upon Thames runner
  • Eliza Gu
Saturday, 1st of June 2019
Led by Kingston upon Thames runner

It was like a scene from a lifestyle magazine, as we arrived on foot or bike to the serene, sunbathed Ham Common, with children feeding the ducks and the hum of the local Ham Parade Farmers' Market in the background.

This was our first time joining the monthly Ham Pond Tidy Up, and Vanessa gave us a very warm welcome and briefed us on the tasks to help with. Armed with litter picking sticks and bags, we set of in pairs to pick up plenty of microplastic and bits of litter around the pond.

As it had been half-term, Vanessa said that there was much less litter around, so we ventured around the Common, trying to master holding the bag down as it blew in the breeze. Caroline and Samia played a game of Guess What the Fox Tore Up, deciding that it must have packaging from a Five Guys burger. Two things to note as I write: 1. Yes, there were five of us, but we weren't the five guys culprits! 2. Should the game be renamed PONDer What the Fox Tore Up?

Jane had been given the task of collecting mounds of stuff cleared from the pond with a wheelbarrow, but joined us after her pond duty had been completed. But she didn't come alone: no, she came with the mother of all litter picking sticks, designed for either an exceptionally tall person, somebody on stilts, or as Caroline correctly worked out, litter picking in the pond! I kid you not, it was GIGANTIC - there's photographic evidence to prove it!

Along the way, we were greeted by a local who was keen to ask if we're the GoodGym people that will be helping out with the Ham Fair set-up next week. Word spreads! Apparently we should expect LOTS to do next weekend!

We returned to a very grateful Vanessa and strolled off to the Market. Great job on a new community mission guys!

Report written by Kingston upon Thames runner

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Kingston upon Thames runner
Kingston upon Thames runner
Saturday June 1st, 2019 12:16

Great report Samia!

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