
Group run

We Can Sweep Clearly Now The Edge Is Done

7 GoodGymers made their way 4km to help the Friends of Everton Park in Liverpool.

  • Jake Madgwick Lawton
  • Sallyann Hardwick
  • Ema Quinn
  • Bekah West
  • Liam Pritchard
  • Aditya A
  • Eleanor Crossley
Monday, 17th of July 2023
Led by Sallyann Hardwick

This Monday saw us back up to the hills of Everton Park to complete the task we started last month.

Everton Park is a beautiful park overlooking the city with views across the river to the Wirral with rhe back drop of the Welsh mountains in the background. As Jake remarked we always seem to have good weather when we go to Everton Park and this Monday continued that same pattern.

We all arrived at the task by various routes, walking running and getting the train across the Mersey and walking up to the task. Kudos to Liam and Ellie for ending up with a round trip of just over 10k by choosing to run to the meeting point

John arrived and gave us our brief - we were to finish the push back of the encroaching edges so that the path was once again wide enough for all uses. We noticed how the grass had started to grow back slightly on our previous work We set too working hard to ensure that we had all the path completed in this session. Cutting the line of turf shovelling it and barrowing it to the heap at the end of the path and sweeping up as we went. We were joined by two regulars of the park and Everton Community garden Dee and Roo. Dee is a skilled gardener and was great to work alongside and Roo (the dog) stole many of our hearts

John always has lots of tools to hand however any of our regular readers will know that fierce brushing had snapped one brush in half. So it was with lots of jollity that Ema and Bekah shared the end sweeping of the path whilst others continued to finish tidying up - or checking out the level of grass at close range by lying down and having a rest. (OK Aditya Ellie Liam and Jake continued tidying only Sallyann had the commitment to be the grass level checker).

The task finished and the evening drew to a close. A Monday night with Goodgym.... we get stuff done - and that feels great but the sense of doing that with a group of people who make up the amazing tapestry of Goodgym well thats just boss!

Report written by Sallyann Hardwick

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Ema Quinn
Ema Quinn
Tuesday July 18th, 2023 20:05

I'm adding that our fabulous Sallyann also ran the 10k!!!

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Sallyann Hardwick
Led by Sallyann Hardwick

GoodGym Liverpool Run Leader

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Ema Quinn

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Teaming up with Friends of Everton Park!

Monday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Sallyann Hardwick
'A Case History' by John King (The Suitcases)

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