
Group run

Turning over a new leaf for Sustrans

10 GoodGymers made their way 6.3km to help the Sustrans Rangers Sheffield in Sheffield.

  • Katia Knight
  • Tom Mutton
  • Sheffield runner
  • Ash
  • Rachel
  • James Smith
  • Sheffield runner
  • Andrew Waters
  • Cat
  • Celine
Monday, 7th of November 2022
Led by Tom Mutton

With some mild trepidation in the air prior to setting off on account of the uphill trend on the way to last nights run, 10 intrepid GG'ers went out into the dark windy streets of Sheffield!

We headed uphill to help COURAGEOUS CRAIG (superstar Sustrans Volunteer and all round good guy) to clear a wet and muddy leaf ridden section of an otherwise fantastic part of the Sustrans National Cycle Network (NCN).

Though the path was dark and the sweeping tough going our tenacious team might light work of the leafy lane, brushing wet, slippery, hazardous leaves and mud over to the side of the path and down the embankment to stop the leaves blowing back on to the path and encouraging some magnificent mulch on the other side of the fence for the trees to feast upon!

No leaf was left unturned and on walking back to the start of the path the impact we had made was evident, giving all a warm glow of the good we had done that eve.

What goes up, must come down and down we did go which helped us all stay together much easier. On return to The Showroom the heavens began to open. Once back at base we had an optional stretch down or quick stair squat set before heading into The Showroom for some drinks and in some cases very casual chips...

Until next time, happy running :)

Report written by Tom Mutton

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she/her or they/them
Tuesday November 8th, 2022 12:03

thank you Tom! we look like red devils under the showroom sign! :-)

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Tom Mutton
Led by Tom Mutton

Sheffield Area Activator. PT, England Athletics Coach in Running Fitness & Tutor.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Ash
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Sheffield runner

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Heeley People's Park - Preparing for the Handlebards!

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Tom Mutton
Showroom Cinema

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