Windsor and Maidenhead

Community mission

Tried to think of a good 'title pun' but they were all rubbish!

14 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Windsor and Maidenhead.

  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Diya Singh
  • Amy L
  • Anna Snelling
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Tessa
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Vikie Fretz
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Sue Giles
  • Angela Nelson
  • Carol Keys
  • Roger Keys
Friday, 12th of January 2024
Led by Amy L

Our second Friday lunchtime litter pick of 2024!

It was fantastic to see another big turnout, including newcomers Kadriye, Carol, Roger, Angela, Sue and Simon. A big, warm GoodGym welcome to all of you.

Juli, Gillian, Tessa and Anna were back for their second Friday litter pick on the trot, and it was lovely to catch up with Vikie, who was back for her first good deed of the year.

We met in the car park at Boyn Grove Park and shared out pickers, hoops, bags and safety advice before fanning out in small groups into the local area in hunt of litter.

We covered the park, Wootton Way, a stretch of the A4, a stretch of Courthouse Road, and Muddy Lane, and as ever we found plenty. There was the usual plethora of bottles and cans, plus some more surprising items. Sue found a broken old laptop, I found a doll, Angela a bank card, and Gillian a pair of pants. She seems to be making a habit of that!

We reconvened after 45 minutes and loaded the bags into my car to be taken to a bigger bin.

Meanwhile Georgeta, Amanda, Kanika and Diya tackled rubbish in their own areas in Maidenhead and Windsor.

Georgeta found abandoned school uniform and so many bottles that she had to shorten her route. It was lovely to hear that a couple walking their dog stopped to thank her and to hear about GoodGym.

Bin there, done that - great work team!

Report written by Amy L

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Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Friday January 12th, 2024 20:41

Absolutely wonderful Report Title! It made me laugh. Good effort from everyone! (Sorry I missed it). Next time!

Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Friday January 12th, 2024 20:43

I think I recognized Georgeta' underpass location. I have litter-picked there several times. Well done, Georgeta! 👏

Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Saturday January 13th, 2024 09:26

Thanks Sol, it's a rich pickings ground around that underpass, it never ends :(

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Amy L
Led by Amy L

Area Activator for Windsor and Maidenhead. Loves running & Pilates and runs to escape from her hoards of small children.

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