
Group run

Tough top to bottom cleaning task? We wiped the floor with it!

12 GoodGymers made their way 4km to help their local community in Wandsworth.

  • Anastasia Hancock
  • Matthew Stuart
  • Stephanie Stevenson
  • Catherine Moore
  • Annabel Richardson
  • Ali
  • Joanna
  • Jamal Durant-Inniss
  • Caroline Wolff
  • Wandsworth runner
  • Dylan Burns
  • Beth Evans
Monday, 9th of October 2023
Led by Anastasia Hancock

We still have some big new term vibes happening here! Last week we were helping out at a secret garden when we went back to school, and this week we had been asked by Providence House to come and help give the place a massive, thorough clean.

Providence House Youth Club is really passionate about improving the lives and outcomes for young people and do this by providing social, sporting, creative and educational activities every week. They aim to create a sense of community and identity for each of the young people, and we want to support them in their mission!

Our first point of business was to properly (and belatedly) celebrate Annabel's 50th good deed - way to go! - and to welcome Beth to her very first session. Great to have you join us!

We then each tried to name a sporting venue in London, successfully covering a number of bases,before setting off for our task. We were welcomed by Esther who quickly separated us into teams and gave us a list of jobs to do. While the kitchen crew jumped into action, with Jamal, Catherine and Matthew wiping, sponging and scrubbing, Caroline and Dylan tackled the huge fridge challenge.

In the massive hall, Jo, Steph, Beth, Annabel, Michele and Ali were hard at work cleaning tables, sweeping and dusting. As the minutes ticked by the end was in sight, but not before Beth and Jo created an amazing double speed mopping system to finish off the last floor.

As if that wasn't hard enough work, we then headed up to the sports hall to take on a lower body blast. While on the positive side it was great to have a lovely warm inside space to do our workout, there was no doubt it was a test for our legs as we knocked out crab walks, power lunges, sumo squats and more. Great job everybody!

Don't forget that we have a massive mission that we could really do with as many pairs of hands as possible happening on Saturday. If you can help out it would be great to see you!

Next week we're at our starting location of the BAC to help them with the community garden area - but don't worry, I'll make sure we get a run in too!

Report written by Anastasia Hancock

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Painting at a local community centre

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Anastasia Hancock

Battersea Arts Centre

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