
Group run

To weed, or not to weed?

7 GoodGymers made their way 2.3km to help the Friends of Park Hill Rec in Croydon.

  • Peter Rhodes
  • Croydon runner
  • Croydon runner
  • Ingrid Buchanan
  • Kate Bowden
  • Nicola
  • Emily Shadbolt
Tuesday, 30th of May 2023
Led by Kate Bowden

Last night 7 Good Gymers ran and walked 2km to help the Friends of Park Hill keep the walled garden looking clean and peaceful.

After a sunny bank holiday weekend the weather had cooled a little as we headed out for our weekly Tuesday group task. But the weather didn't stop Emily coming for her first run with Good Gym! We warmed up together and then headed off though the streets of Croydon to Park Hill. Not our furthest run but the hill at the end always takes us by suprise! We somehow timed it very well with the joggers and the walking group arriving at the same time.

Josie met us at the gates to the walled garden with several tasks planned for us to do, including watering the rose garden and weeding in the mencap bed. The mencap group are coming on Friday and they needed some help clearing the weeds and grass from their area of the garden so they can plant out some lovely plants in their next session. Armed with forks, spades and hoes we were a little daunted to see the size of the first bed had sticky weeds growing up to head height! Thankfully Josi and Katherine have other plans to turn that area into a Story Bee garden and the mencap flower beds were a little smaller although nearly as overgrown.

Next came our most frequently asked question, which ones are weeds? Grasses and sticky weed were definitely out, roses and poppies staying in, but there were several more less easy to identify plants which Josi decided to take out just in case! After a good amount of work and several trips to the compost heap with the wheel barrow, the bed had lots of space for the mencap group to add new plants to.

Keep your eyes peeled for more opportunities to help the Walled Garden with their community gardening projects! next Tuesdays group run will be heading to the Croydon Refugee Centre to sort the new clothes donations, hope to see you there!

Report written by Kate Bowden

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Kate Bowden
Led by Kate Bowden

GoodGym Croydon Run Leader

GoodGymers helping out
  • Walk Leader

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Croydon runner
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Ingrid Buchanan

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Gardening with Pam

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Conroy
By the seats in the park area

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