
Group run

T(ug)agging of War

8 GoodGymers made their way 4.6km to help the Hanover & Elm Grove Ward in Brighton.

  • Juliet O'Brien
  • Philippa
  • Sarah Katharine
  • Jane Dallaway
  • Rosie Baker
  • Edel
  • Michael
Tuesday, 7th of November 2023

GoodGym anti-tagging missions are like a “Tug of War” between the residents re-imaging their city without graffiti on the street walls and the artists (or sort of) making them.

Brighton GoodGym was in Hanover and Elm Grove ward this Tuesday to tackle street graffiti, again!

Armed with brushes and rolls, magnolia and brilliant white paints, we tackled unwanted graffiti in Melbourne Street and Pevensey Road, bringing lots of satisfaction to us all and especially to a local resident who was very pleased and thankful offering us tea and biscuits. An invite to return here, as we probably will.

But for now, job done. NOW WOW!

Graffiti tagging is one of the engagement theme of Re-Imaging Brighton & Hove to shape the future of our city together. This is a Brighton & Hove council initiative engaging all, especially young people, to share experiences, hear ideas and turn ideas into action to help deliver the Council Strategy Plan for 2023 to 2027. The first appointment is on 21st November, at 6pm at the BMECP (Black and Minority Ethnic Community Partnership) Centre.

Report written by STEFANIA ROSSO

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Empowering my passions for a circular good while being active sustainably!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • Rosie Baker
    • Sarah Katharine

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Double YMCA Garden action

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Jane Dallaway
Angel of Peace

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