
Group run

🌈 Somewhere over the rainbow(s) 🌈

7 GoodGymers made their way 8.0km to help the Heworth Without Community Centre in York.

  • York runner
  • Nicky Woodall
  • Mitch
  • Abigail Darton
  • York runner
  • Lyndsey Hay
  • Martin Calvert
Monday, 10th of April 2023
Led by Nicky Woodall

🐣 A small but perfectly formed group of GoodGymmers met for our Easter Monday group run. Illness and the threat of rain (oh, and bank holiday fun/chocolate-eating) may have put some of our gang off but those who came, came with (possibly Easter chocolate-fuelled) energy.

🌳 We heard about Barbara's impressively hilly 10k yesterday before heading off to Heworth where we met Roger and Alex. Alex had brought two trees to plant (and a cute toddler who was watching throughout) whilst Roger had supplied woodchip to freshen up the muddy paths.

πŸ‘ Martin C had beaten us there and had already got stuck in with the barrowing of woodchip along the paths. Mitch and Lyndsey joined them, with Mitch impressing Alex and Roger with his run-barrow technique.

🌱 Abigail, Barbara and Martin B were on Team Tree, getting an upper body workout digging large areas. Memories of inversion came to mind as these guys had to cut and dig through turf before digging the soil beneath.

🌈 With one tree in, there was time to get another almost done (with Alex just needing to finish the stakes and drilling). All just in time to watch a beautiful double rainbow come out, which made the little rain shower we’d just experienced well worthwhile.

πŸ₯Ύ Meanwhile, Team Woodchip had covered various bits of muddy paths, hopefully making walking around there a much more pleasant experience for everyone.

πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ€β™‚οΈIt was soon time to run back to base and head home or to the pub. Thank you everyone, it was great to get so much done πŸ’ͺ

Report written by Nicky Woodall

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Nicky Woodall
Led by Nicky Woodall

Area Activator for GoodGym York. Loves everything running, from parkrun alphabet collecting to marathons. Will run for cake!

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    • York runner

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Weeding at the Fishergate Triangle

Monday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Vicky Hearson

York CVS, Denham Room

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