Hammersmith and Fulham

Community mission

Sleighing at the party!

5 GoodGymers made their way to help the Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham in Hammersmith and Fulham.

  • Bexley runner
  • Jonathan
  • Lucy Hill
  • Holly
  • Olena
Thursday, 7th of December 2023
Led by Jonathan

Five goodgymmers came together again (thanks to Biscuits organisation) to support and celebrate the hard work of all of the Age UK volunteers in Hammersmith and Fulham.

Our thanks always for the delicious scran that is put on, this time a wonderful veg lasagne or chicken curry to tuck into!

Not only did we serve the food but we helped with the tidy up afterwards, putting away tables and cleaning down the surfaces.

A key to this mission is always to bring tupperware, and we came away with all the second helpings we need for lunch the next day!

Report written by Jonathan

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Led by Jonathan

GoodGym Hammersmith and Fulham Trainer

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