
Community mission

Seven Speedy Super Stars Deliver Delicious Dining Directions!

7 GoodGymers made their way to help the Outreach Leafleting For FoodCycle Westgate in Newcastle.

  • Tanya Johnson
  • Debbie English
  • Newcastle runner
  • Aimee
  • Newcastle runner
  • Krishti
  • Caroline Bocchini
Wednesday, 22nd of February 2023
Led by Newcastle runner

THE PROJECT GoodGym Newcastle midweek community mission

Objective Spread the word about the wonderful charity FoodCycle who take surplus food from supermarkets, markets and independent local grocers and create a tasty three course meal, available free to anyone who would like some company or to save a little money.

Method Deliver leaflets in the Westgate Road area highlighting the meal available in the Westgate Baptist Church.

Participants Krishti, Carrie, Lucy, Debbie, Tanya, Aimee, Louise

Plan Divide 217 leaflets (random pile grabbed by task owner from her big box) equally between 7 participants giving a satisfying 31 leaflets each. Split into two groups, each taking parallel streets.

Result All leaflets delivered in 30 minutes.

Outcome Seven happy GoodGymers and (hopefully) one satisfied task owner


Report written by Newcastle runner

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Plogging and leafleting in Byker

Monday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Anji Andrews

Stepney Bank Stables

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