
Community mission


5 GoodGymers made their way to help the Reduce and Recycle Hub at Acton Market in Ealing.

  • Michelle
  • Alan Armstrong
  • Beata
  • StephDucat
  • Anuj Sharma
Thursday, 25th of April 2024
Led by StephDucat

Thursday evening and 5 goodgymers paws-tive(ly) meet at Acton station to then distribute leaflets around the station for the next Reduce and Recycle Hub at Acton Market on the Saturday 4th of May. Fur-tunately the rain stopped and the team walked from house to house for leafletting. As usual, the crew were welcomed or not by the pawdyguards. Who(of) are you? Dogs and cats alert on the goodgymers when approaching the letter boxes. Was it pawsible to deliver all the leaflets without being chased by our furry friends? Alot of dogs barking, luckily from inside but we had some brave cats defending their houses too!! Fur-ocious 4 legged friends and no Goodgymer was hurt during the mission. Appaws for the 5 goodgymers who covered roughly around 3km each and distributed all the leaflets. Pawsome mission!!

Report written by StephDucat

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Led by StephDucat

Runner(5km,10km,half, marathons, ultramarathon) and any distance available, walker, swimmer, diving, cycling and whatever challenges me.

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    • Michelle

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Summer Shrubbin' at Lammas Orchard ❤️🌳

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Sevan
Bodyline Studio

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