

On the chaise longue...

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Wandsworth.

  • Jenni H
  • Michelle
Sunday, 5th of March 2023

Michelle and Jenni met to help Ms J with moving some furniture around in her flat, so she would have more room.

When we got going, we starting uncovering boxes filled with all the equipment from Ms J's previous adventures and hobbies, and some hidden furniture, including a chaise longue which would be a crucial part of the rearranging. Soon a large section of the floor was clear so we could make a plan.

With empty boxes stacked on the windowsill, boxes which still needed to be unpacked easier to get to, the fold up bed and sideboard in a new position, the chaise longue could be lifted to it's new location so Ms J could watch tv more comfortably and get around her living room more easily!

Report written by Jenni H

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Bristol runner
Bristol runner
Tuesday March 7th, 2023 10:29

Brilliant work both!

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Battersea Arts Centre

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