

Offa on an Adventure

6 GoodGymers made their way in a race in Liverpool.

  • Sallyann Hardwick
  • Heetu
  • Sian Phillips
  • Lucien Dobel-Ober
  • Liam Pritchard
  • Aditya A
Saturday, 12th of August 2023
Led by Heetu

Six goodgym members, Heetu, Sallyann, Aditya, Liam, Sian, and Lucien, had an early start on Saturday morning heading from Liverpool to North Wales to join in with the Merseystride Long Distance Walking Association on a 15 mile walk around Offa’s Dyke. We set off in uncertain weather and were nearly blown over as we walked up Moel Famau fighting against strong gales, but this only added to the excitement and didn’t put us off going on top of the Jubilee Tower at the peak of Moel Famau to take group pictures, admire the view through the sweeping misty rain, and even do some litter-picking, snatching a plastic bag out of the air as it flew past.

The clouds cleared and the sun came out for us as we walked on through varied and beautiful landscapes; heaths, fields, woods, and riverbanks, our energy topped up by sweet treats at the checkpoints. The goodgym spirit really shone in the brilliant team work all of the members showed in encouraging and supporting each other, pushing ourselves, and enjoying the opportunity to get to know each other better and make new friends - Sallyann seemed to know everyone on the walk by the end of the day! We talked about plans for future goodgym sessions and there was a lot of enthusiasm for more hiking and running adventures, after the great day we had we will be on the lookout for other events to join in. Well done to everyone and a special shout out to Heetu for organising this trip.

Report written by Sian Phillips

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Ema Quinn
Ema Quinn
Thursday August 17th, 2023 11:58

Fabulous, well done everyone 👏

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Teaming up with Friends of Everton Park!

Monday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Sallyann Hardwick
'A Case History' by John King (The Suitcases)

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