
Training session

Not the Manchester marathon / landmarks half or parkrun run

5 GoodGymers made their way 36.6km on a training session in Oxford.

  • Oxford runner
  • Mark
  • Trevor
  • Angus Grant
  • Ben Foster
Saturday, 28th of March 2020
Led by Trevor

So the idea of this run was to replace some of the many races canceled due to COVID-19. Manchester, London, White Horse Half.. this grew to all the parkrun's and local smaller races also.. As social distancing increased it became a run as far as you like rather than a loop / local social run.

Daily exercise is hard if you don't have a goal.

Anyway a member of HRR Martin Lee also had a great idea to create treasure hunt around Oxford so my challenge became seeing how far I could get while collecting points (hence so many Trev selfies!).

Angus and Ben were meant to do the Landmarks half marathon so tried to miles in to replace that, Angus to show people who had sponsored him

while Mark and a few others did smaller runs around Oxford to keep moving. Charlotte did a Half Marathon from RHR, and Steven also did one on Sunday..

I ended up running 50k ultra marthon and was on my feet for 7 hour (which other than Race to The Stones is the longest single run I've done.. and certainly the longest time on my own too despite seeing a few people at safe socially distance..)

If self isolation gets any worse I'm thinking about stair challenges... climb everest next?? 58,070 stairs... I wreckon could do it in a week or two if you were committed!! Thanks for joining in :)

Report written by Trevor

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Aston’s Eyot

Wednesday 18:00 - 19:30
Led by Anwen Greenaway
Richard Benson Hall

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