
Community mission

Not quite the Cambridge Five

5 GoodGymers made their way to help the Urban Green Newcastle in Newcastle.

  • Liz Bennett
  • Newcastle runner
  • Thomas Mather
  • Sam Gittings
  • Dan Laws
Sunday, 13th of February 2022
Led by Liz Bennett

…or even the Famous Five but, still, 5 hardy GoodGymers set off in damp & blustery conditions for a litter picking adventure.

Sam & Tom had warmed up with a pre litter pick litter pick and Lou & Dan had done several circuits of the town looking for a parking space on Match day.

In true optimistic style, I said something along the lines of “the litter doesn’t look too bad” and then we spent the next 45 minutes filling over 6 big bin bags. Note to self… an eye test! There were some impressive finds today – a camera, a skateboard, a full bottle of wine (though full of what??)

And, in between the litter, some lovely signs of spring flowers…a joy to find.

It was Dan’s 52nd good deed so the cloak of honour came out and was suitably modelled as match goers looked on in awe (or was it amusement?). Fingers crossed, they’re still smiling later today.

Congratulations to Dan – really well done. Our session ended with all the bags in the bandstand bin (try saying that in a hurry) and we headed our separate ways – a good job done and thanks to all.

Note from Anji: big well done and thanks to Liz on leading her first community mission.

Report written by Liz Bennett

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Liz Bennett
Led by Liz Bennett

GoodGym Newcastle TaskForce member

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Monday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Anji Andrews

Stepney Bank Stables

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