
Community mission

Many hands make light work

11 GoodGymers made their way to help the Urban Green Newcastle in Newcastle.

  • Charlotte Proud
  • Tanya Johnson
  • Debbie English
  • Kerry Bray
  • Anastasia
  • Thomas Mather
  • Aimee
  • Eleanor Peters
  • Sam Gittings
  • Andrew Younger
  • Oliver
Saturday, 18th of February 2023
Led by Tanya Johnson

Urban Green community missions are definitely one of favourite ways to spend a Saturday morning.

It was great to see so many familiar faces as well as first timers. Cllr Bell also joined us this morning and shared that our good deeds are making the park a safer place for the local community.

There was one final overgrown hedge to tackle and Ranger Mike was quick to get us sawing it down to head height. With teams on both sides of the hedge we soon had those trees and branches cut down to size.

The sun may have stopped shining by coffee break but it did not dampen our spirits. There was still plenty to do.

We split into smaller teams to replace the safety flooring under a swing, litter pick and clear the under growth.

Time definitely flies when you are having fun and before we knew it, our session was over. Well almost, we couldn’t leave without one final good deed…. Check out the photographs to see what that was!

Report written by Tanya Johnson

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Plogging and leafleting in Byker

Monday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Anji Andrews

Stepney Bank Stables

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