
Group run

Life is a bed of roses

10 GoodGymers made their way 12.8km to help the Friends of Vale Park in Brighton.

  • Rebecca
  • Frances Ruocco
  • Brighton runner
  • Carla Washbourne
  • Sarah Katharine
  • Jane Dallaway
  • Brighton runner
  • Nicola Thomas
  • Edel
Tuesday, 3rd of October 2023

Ten Goodgymers ran, walked and cycled the 6k to Vale Park in Portslade. We met the hardworking volunteers from the Friend of Vale Park Group. Today Jane completed her 50th session and Sherman celebrated his 6th year of being a GoodGymer!

Making the most of the evening sunlight we got to work clearing the bindweed and brambles from the rose beds. All the wet then hot weather had meant that the weeds had taken hold. Luckily the bindweed had glowing white flowers and was easy to see in the dusk. We employed our destructive gardening skills and managed to clear some of bindweed.

Vale park is now ready for hosting the Halloween games 🎃 for the children and the scouts of the local area.

A very satisfying task where we made a visable difference!

Report written by Sarah Katharine

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Empowering my passions for a circular good while being active sustainably!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Sarah Katharine

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Double YMCA Garden action

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Jane Dallaway
Angel of Peace

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