Lean, mean, weeding machines 💪

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Hammersmith and Fulham.

  • Michelle
  • Bethan Critchley
Saturday, 23rd of July 2022
Here's what Mr A of W12 had to say about the mission:

Amazing work - thank you soooo much! The resident is really happy and loving his new outdoor space :)

Mr A of W12, mission beneficiary

Two west London GoodGymers combined forces to clear a mountain of weeds from Mr A's front garden. He had requested help to clear the space so that it could subsequently be gravelled over to stop the weeds returning, and to keep it looking tidy just like his neighbour's plot on the other side.

After posing for a quick before photo (where we appear to have merged into one GoodGymer with two arms and four legs 😂) we set to work in the glorious sunshine. Mr A had plenty of tools, and so we spent the next 45 minutes strimming, chopping and pulling out as many weeds as we could. Mr A's plot looked nice and tidy by the end, and we left him with 3 bags full of weeds to be taken away by the council. We posed again for a final photo with out handiwork - this time with 4 legs and 4 muscly arms all on show!

Report written by Bethan Critchley

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Monday July 25th, 2022 09:40

Amazing job!

Monday July 25th, 2022 10:48

Another Hammersmith and Fulham garden getting a GoodGym makeover. Fantastic result! 💪

Monday July 25th, 2022 14:39

"Two west London GoodGymmers"

Anastasia Hancock
Anastasia Hancock
Tuesday July 26th, 2022 13:06

That's an incredible transformation! What a job

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