
Community mission

Iced pie, with my little eye 😉

3 GoodGymers made their way to help the Food Cycle Luton in Luton.

  • Gill
  • Martin R
  • Dani CB
Tuesday, 5th of December 2023
Led by Dani CB

Arriving at Foodcycle this week, the cooking team were overjoyed to see the huge volumes of donations that were collected by Gill, lots of fruit and veg and several boxes of mince pie's, most of which were topped with icing and looked delicious. I was in the kitchen this week and as ever enjoyed getting stuck in with the various tasks that needed to be done to provide this weeks menu. The kitchen team was somewhat smaller than it had been in recent weeks, but we got down to it anyway. The menu this week consisted of Mushroom and asparagus soup to start, vege curry with rice and roasted veg, a pre dessert of those tantalisingly tasty looking mince pie's and thrm my very own creation of mixed fruits crumble. A bit later Dani arrived with the hosting team to help look after the evenings guests with hot drinks and chats. I think the evening went well and I estimate we looked after around 35 guests throughout the session. Great task and well done team, across all functions.

Report written by Martin R

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Dani CB
Led by Dani CB

GoodGym Luton TaskForce member

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Gill

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