
Community mission

How to suc-SEED at painting with Rumney Seedlings

4 GoodGymers made their way to help the Grow Cardiff in Cardiff.

  • Cardiff runner
  • Su Fernandez
  • Aimee Giles
  • Nathan Swain
Thursday, 4th of October 2018
Led by Cardiff runner

As the autumn sunshine disappeared over the horizon, four Goodgym runners (Su, Lucy, Aimee and Nathan) met in East Cardiff to help out at Rumney Community Gardens. They were met by Mike, a volunteer who helps out at the gardens and shown their task for the evening – to paint some planters and preserve them for the inevitable months of rain and cold ahead. The runners expecting teak or mahogany stain were delighted when the tins were opened, revealing neon pink and yellow colours. Goodgym was set to add a splash of colour to the gardens.   As the darkness set in, head torches came into action and armed with brushes and latex gloves (powder free) the group set about their task. While discussing the recent pub crawl, the upcoming Cardiff Half and plans for the big Goodgym trip to Sofia, time flew by and in no time at all the runners were scraping the dregs from the bottom of the paint tins. Spiders had scuttled out of the way of the bristles but one or two woodlice may have been left looking like they were dressed up for a 70s theme disco.   Mark (from Grow Cardiff) and Mike came to inspect the work and were pleased with what had been accomplished in such a short space of time, preserving the wood and adding a few years to the lifespan of the planters. “Another good job from the good gym”.   Grow Cardiff is a charity that enables people to grow their own food, through the community gardens they support, public events and outreach work with schools. They have set up Rumney Seedlings at Rumney Community Garden, based at the Rumney Partnership Hub. They are in the process of transforming the green space around the Hub into a wonderful place to grow food and enhance the natural environment.  

Report written by Nathan Swain

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Lucy Marsh
Led by Lucy Marsh

GoodGym Cardiff runner

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Nathan Swain
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Nathan Swain

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31 Group Task - Global Gardens

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Michael
Glassworks, Westminster Bldg

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