

Hose it going? Jolly good thank you!

2 GoodGymers made their way to help an isolated older person in Camden.

  • Paul Bown
  • Patrick Luong
Saturday, 11th of July 2015

Patrick and Paul ran between 7-10km to help Jean out with various gardening tasks in Mornington Crescent.

Jean uses a walking frame so she is unable to tend to her garden as much as she would like. We started with weeding the garden, sweeping up and trying not to step on the multitude of snails wandering around. After the general clean up we moved onto to watering the plants with a powerful hose and attempting to shape a tree - Jean wanted this cut back to have a little more sunlight in her study. At this point we were around 2 hours into the mission had talked about everything from the GoodGym monthly leader board to Patrick's love of buffets! With the plants thoroughly watered and the tree cut in a triangle shape we moved on.

Our last task was to cut back some ivy/another plant which were spreading onto the street and blocking some light. However to do this we had to climb through a window in Jean's beautiful house and use a stepladder to reach the light-blocking-plants! After some juice, diet coke and a clear up we were all finished. It was the longest goodgym mission/task I have ever done with 3 hours of physical work taking place - woop woop. Jean was very grateful for all our hard work and can now access her garden and the light a lot more!

At this point it was mid-afternoon so we walked to Camden Lock for some market food (and bumped into Lucy - contact on for more info on missions/coach runs) before our return run home.

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FRIENDLY GROUP SESSION!! 💚 Finishing Touches to Our Redecoration Efforts at the Brady Arts Centre!!

Wednesday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Alex Murtough

Opposite Barbican Underground Station

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