
Community mission

Horses for New Courses

6 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Birmingham.

  • John Hayes
  • Chan S Nandhray
  • Miriam
  • Liam
  • Rauul The Owl
  • Steven Wenlock
Saturday, 9th of April 2022
Led by John Hayes

I started my day early as usual, setting up the course at Perry Hall. But there was a difference, a slight course alteration to implement, with one of the annoying out and backs being removed after the course was remeasured last week. With everything out and altered, I returned to run, but not before bumping into Chan and Raull, who were on their way out to marshal, and an inspiring job they did of cheering us around. Over at Edgbaston Reservoir, Miriam had a cold morning timekeeping. While at Woodgate Valley, Steven was out being Mr. Everything as usual!

Report written by John Hayes

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John Hayes
Led by John Hayes

GoodGym Birmingham runner

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • Miriam
    • Chan S Nandhray

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Leafleting for Change Kitchen

Tuesday 18:00 - 19:45
Led by Miriam
171 Pineapple Road

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