
Community mission

High Flyering Birds (and Darren) tour Penarth

4 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Cardiff.

  • Emma Wilkins
  • Cardiff runner
  • Aimee Giles
  • Darren
Monday, 29th of January 2018

‘In the Heat of the Moment’ four GoodGym runners took it upon themselves to sign up for a Monday mission. Lucy, Aimee, Darren and I had decided that it was time to spread the GoodGym word throughout Penarth.

In the ‘Dying of the Light’, we met at Bellevue Park, noticing that there was, indeed, a belle vue of the lights of Cardiff Bay. ‘It’s a Beautiful World’ in Cardiff and the Vale!

We hatched an efficient plan (some might say ‘A Simple Game of Genius’)...two of us on the left of the streets and two on the right. Each person would flyer alternate houses.

We jogged the streets of Penarth posting our flyers along the way. Some letterboxes were low down (squats are a great workout) and some were high - we had to ‘Keep on Reaching’ for those!

150 flyers were posted in no time at all! As proof that our mission was accomplished, one lady who received our flyer wanted us to help with the garden. Expect some phone calls GoodGym HQ!

Report written by Emma Wilkins

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31 Group Task - Global Gardens

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Michael
Glassworks, Westminster Bldg

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