
Community mission

Heroes with weather power

6 GoodGymers made their way 5.0km to help the Cardinal Newman School in Brighton.

  • Frances Ruocco
  • Juliet O'Brien
  • Michael Pirrie
  • Brighton runner
  • Sarah Katharine
Tuesday, 7th of March 2023

The Meteo Office’s Yellow Warning didn’t stop Brighton GoodGymers to run to this community mission at the Cardinal Newman Catholic School – a voluntary aided comprehensive school located in Hove and the largest in England. We were lucky to catch a window of dry weather on a full moon evening, despite shadowed by low clouds, and we didn’t feel very cold neither. That was probably the effect of the uphill and a few detours before arriving to our destination to join our mates. Armed with polisher and cleaning clothes, our Heroes’ task was to polish the High Gothic style Chapel, and so we did meticulously with our (Mr Muscle’s) superpowers 😊

Curious to know more about this school, I dig into internet and found out Cardinal Newman’s motto: “Heart speaks unto Heart”. Inspired by these words, Newman calls us to hear God speaking to our hearts and to listen for our mission from God.

It was another Good Mission, GoodGym!

Report written by STEFANIA ROSSO

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GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Frances Ruocco
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Michael Pirrie

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Double YMCA Garden action

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Jane Dallaway
Angel of Peace

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