Kingston upon Thames

Community mission

Helping GrowBaby to put away new donations from DLAG

1 GoodGymer made their way to help the Growbaby in Kingston upon Thames.

  • Petra Stockelmayerova
Sunday, 15th of October 2023
Led by Petra Stockelmayerova

DLAG and Goodgym joined forces on this task. DLAG collected nappies, wipes, baby food & toiletries on their stall outside of Waitrose Surtbiton on Saturday for GrowBaby increase their stocks. Petra changed Tshirt from DLAG Blue to GoodGym Red and put away 36 packs of nappies, 91 packs of wipes and sorted 115 pouches of baby food, 40 bottles of shower gel & shampoo and other miscellaneous items; all to be provided to local families later on in the week.

Report written by Petra Stockelmayerova

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Rachel White
Rachel White
Tuesday October 17th, 2023 14:39

Love how there’s so much cross-charity support going on right here

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Tuesday 18:30 - 20:30
Led by Rachel White
The Quaker Centre

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