
Group run

Heckle Season!

14 GoodGymers made their way 6.0km to help the SIFA Fireside in Birmingham.

  • Morwenna Kearns
  • John Hayes
  • Jonny Carter
  • Rob
  • Abbie Wilson-Neal
  • Kate Edmunds
  • Lee Swinerd
  • Laura Smith
  • David Halford
  • Liam
  • Birmingham runner
  • Richard Clark
  • Stephanie Pryke
  • Birmingham runner
Tuesday, 20th of March 2018
Led by Jonny Carter

14 people ran 6k to do some cleaning for SIFA Firesides

Tonight’s pun is brought to you by John Boy Hayes, read on for the explanation! Tonight, we didn’t have any newbie’s, but we welcomed Lee back for the first time in a while, he had been otherwise engaged with watching Reading on Tuesday nights! After their recent results I thought I might need to give him counselling! But instead he took the all-important back marker role! We set on our way to SIFA on the last official ‘dark run’ before the clocks change in time for next week! Hurray! Although of course we did have some light on the outward journey anyway.

bucket army

Once arriving Geoff had organised a load of buckets full of soapy water. The groups task was to scrub blue-tac and cello tape off the walls and give the showers and toilets a good going over. Rob, the two Kate’s and David did the showers and bogs and the remainder of the group did the other stuff. A good 25 minutes was spent doing the task, once all done we had the obligatory group photo before heading off.


Just after starting the run back we stopped at one of the car parks to do a quick GG BC! It was a tough session, starting with a circuit of high knees running, squat jumps and tuck jumps. Hasnain and Liam put some great work in, really going for it in the high knees. There was some great work by Richard, John and Lee in the tucks, getting that heart pumping hard. After that was done yours truly did a quick ‘theory lesson’ on ankle mobility and easy ways to improve it at home. Improving mobility in this area helps reduces injury and massively improves squat technique, which rather appropriately led to a couple of sets of leg burning squat holds. The two Kate’s held a great squat and Laura, Abi and Steph showed some good form, however the groups form overall seems to have improved a lot so top work top everyone! Once done we had the uphill run back.

It became quite an interesting one for the lead group. We had one (slightly inebriated) gentleman giving us lots of encouragement up one of the hills, even joining in! He really did have some staying power, at one point I was going to ask him if he had remembered to turn his strava on! Further up the road we got some more heckling/encouragement from some guys on the top deck of a bus, telling 'us lads' to run faster! Clearly, they didn’t see Morwenna was also with us! Anyway, that’s when John thought of this week’s pun!

Next week we will be out doing good again, it would be great if you could join us sign up here.

Report written by Jonny Carter

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Jonny Carter
Led by Jonny Carter

GoodGym Area Activator for Birmingham. Love all things running, including road, track and even cross country when it isn't to muddy!

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Lee Swinerd

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Leafleting for Change Kitchen

Tuesday 18:00 - 19:45
Led by Miriam
171 Pineapple Road

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