

Guardian of the Galaxy

1 GoodGymer made their way to help an isolated older person in Wandsworth.

  • Lucy Hill
Saturday, 22nd of May 2021

Another Saturday morning, and another trip to Asda for Mrs J! I’ve done shopping for her so many times now, that her daughter V doesn’t even send me a list, ‘The same as last time please!’, V asked.

I set myself a little challenge of getting Mrs J’s shopping in without checking the list, and I am saddened to say that I could get everything off the list. Nothing forgotten. And I did double check to make sure I hadn’t missed anything.

As I went to drop the delivery to Mrs J, she answered the door and was up and dressed and ready to go out! It was a bit of a choc, I almost didn’t recognise Mrs J without her dressing gown on! She looked very glam with her makeup and headscarf on.

As always, Mrs J put up a bit of a fight to ensure I didn’t leave hers empty handed. There’s only so many times you can say no to a lady in her nineties, and no matter how hard I explained to her that I couldn’t take her money, or the bars of chocolate that I’d only just purchased for her, she wouldn’t take no for an answer. I managed to get her to agree on saving a bar of galaxy for next time, and she said she would have it ready so I couldn’t say no. There are worse things to happen! Mrs J, despite not succeeding at getting me to take anything off of her (your happiness is all I need Mrs J), she thanked me profusely and waved me off with a goodbye and a love you. I wished her a pleasant day with her friend, and made my way back to the North of the river.

Report written by Lucy Hill

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Monday May 24th, 2021 17:21

Well done, Lucy!

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