
Community mission

Litterpicking lottery

4 GoodGymers made their way to help the Friends of People's Park and Luton Borough Council Parks and Countryside in Luton.

  • Martin R
  • Laura Cheek
  • Yasin Lutale
Saturday, 6th of April 2024
Led by Martin R

I walked from Lea halls to the peoples park. I managed to get to the people park before 10.00am. This helped me to see other GoodGymers get to the place and I came to know each and every GoodGymer that participated in the mission. This morning saw our monthly visit to People's Park, to help the Friends group with their regular litterpick. 4 of Luton's Goodgymers made it to the task this month, and we welcomed Jingo to his first task. After the usual do's and don'ts brief, we got stuck in and set off in different directions to cover as much of the park as possible. The litterpicks always give us some interesting finds and this time was no different. Whilst clearing a spot that is well known for people camping out, I found (roughly) 30 lottery scratch cards, which is a first for me whilst litterpicking. Needless to say, I imagine they were all losing cards, but the winner was the nice clear space that was left after picking them all up. When we finished litterpicking, we helped move some mulch from a large pile to the orchard for another job the Friends group were undertaking later in the day. This was a successful task, that we all enjoyed and we look forward to supporting next month. Great effort team, well done

Report written by JINGO IBRAHIM

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Tuesday April 9th, 2024 22:55

Great report Jingo. Well done for getting involved.

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Martin R
Led by Martin R

GoodGym Luton Run Leader

GoodGymers helping out
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    • Gill

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