
Community mission

Goodgym - We're down to turf people

4 GoodGymers made their way to help the Grow Cardiff in Cardiff.

  • Michael
  • Fiona Guy
  • Cardiff runner
  • Andrew Skelton
Saturday, 15th of January 2022
Led by Michael

This was our first time helping out with the new community space at Riverside Health Centre, another wonderful project from Grow Cardiff for more social prescribing. We met up at the Church of Saint John the Evangelist in Canton as they were donating some old turf to help fill the raised planters.

We met up with Chris from Grow Cardiff who had the vehicle all ready to load up, there were already boxes and bags of twigs on there, we rolled up our sleeves and got to work, squatting and lifting the rolled up turf. It was a great workout for the morning but we weren't finished yet, just as the turf was all loaded it was time to take a quick jog over to Riverside to unload it.

The planter had already had some larger twigs and old greenery put into them, so we used the smaller twigs, greenery, even an old wreath to fill nay gaps. We packed everything tightly, layered with some leaves and compacted a bit more with feet - like squeezing grapes. Now came to turf, this we off loaded it and unrolled it into the planter until it was all off the vehicle and the planters were a good 3/4 full. Just the compost to go when that arrives for them later on in the week and the planting can begin.

A successful morning well worth a quick break with a coffee and some biscuits.

Report written by Michael

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Led by Michael

Goodgym Area Activator for Cardiff & the Vale, I believe in the transformative power of running & the Arts

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31 Group Task - Global Gardens

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Michael
Glassworks, Westminster Bldg

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