
Community mission

GoodGym Takeover - we Donut mess about!

7 GoodGymers made their way to help the Food Cycle Luton in Luton.

  • Gill
  • Gail Dearing
  • Dani CB
  • Corinne Chalmers
  • Luton runner
  • Kamal
  • Mayra Torres
Tuesday, 12th of March 2024
Led by Dani CB

This evening we had a whopping 7 GoodGymmers assisting at FoodCycle Luton in a number of different capacities. Gill did a cracking job at running the kitchen as her first night flying solo as Project Leader. Bravo Gill, everyone commented on how calm it was in the kitchen and the food was VERY well received by our guests with a huge amount of empty plates- always a good sign!

Also in the Kitchen was Mayra who did a brilliant job, wasting no time and just getting stuck in. Having volunteered a few times now at FoodCycle, Mayra has done both cooking and hosting so having knowledge on both sides is a real bonus. Helped by the other FoodCycle cooks, a delicious menu was created using the surplus food donations.

The starter was Welsh Rarebit with a mixed leaf salad, main course was Veggie Spaghetti Bolognaise with cheese, and for pudding our guests had delicious donuts with a beautifully arranged fruit salad. The 5-8pm hosting team was entirely made up of GoodGymmers, which was just brilliant! It was wonderful to welcome back Kamal and Tigger who have hosted before, but not for a while! They wasted no time and immediately got stuck in with setting out the chairs and laying the tables, setting up the all important tea and coffee station and just preparing everything ready for our guests arrival.

Corinne attended to volunteer for the second time, so we were relieved not to have scared her off! So friendly, she did a great job helping our guests feel immediately at ease. FoodCycle newbie Gail absolutely smashed her first hosting shift! Nobody would have known it was Gails first time, she jumped right in chatting with guests and keeping the tea and coffee station topped up, along with the other hosts. This week, Dani worked closely with Project Leader Craig to keep track of the number of guests and coordinate with the kitchen team accordingly. This seemed to help the evening run smoothly, and once we had hit our capacity of 50 sit down guests, latecomers were offered takeaways so nobody went away empty handed.

The hosting team worked hard to divide the remaining food donations in to enough takeaway bags so that each guest could take one if they wanted to. The atmosphere was very positive and our guests left having been fed and watered.

All together, a really great team effort- very well done gang! ❤

Report written by Dani CB

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Dani CB
Led by Dani CB

GoodGym Luton TaskForce member

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    • Gill
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    • Gill

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