
Group run

GoodGym in your corner...but we do not talk about it!

5 GoodGymers made their way 6km to help the Hanwell School of Boxing in Ealing.

  • Mike C
  • Harvey Gallagher
  • Ealing runner
  • Chris
  • Kate
Tuesday, 30th of April 2024
Led by Harvey Gallagher

Two of our gang, Kate and Harvey ran/walked to the task tonight, bumping into another GoodGymer, Caz, on her way for some light refreshments on a warm evening - luck her! Milly and Mike took a long way round to the entrance, after ending up the wrong side of the fence (there's a message in there!). After collecting tools from Linda at Hanwell School of Boxing, the four set about clearing and weeding. Four?! That should have been five! But where was Chris?! With tales of poorly performing maps, Chris found us at last and joined in.

We toiled and cleared, weeded and pulled up ivy, making the driveway up to the club look so much more presentable. After finishing up, a treat lay in store for us - Linda from the club put the kettle on and rustled up five mugs of steaming hot chocolate. Whilst we sipped, we learned about the history of Hanwell School og Boxing, the reason for its strange opening times, and some of the amazing achievements of the young people who learned the fine art of pugilism there. It's a fantastic community resource and it now has an impressive walkway up to the club.

Report written by Harvey Gallagher

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Harvey Gallagher
Led by Harvey Gallagher

Father of 5, grandfather, CEO of small not-for-profit, Coach in Running Fitness (CiRF), loves parkrun, music and football

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Summer Shrubbin' at Lammas Orchard ❤️🌳

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Sevan
Bodyline Studio

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