
Group run

Goodgym Barnet creates a buzz with its Pollination Expedition

5 GoodGymers made their way 4.0km to help their local community in Barnet.

  • Beattie
  • Paul Salman
  • Barnet runner
  • Moya Malekin
  • Antonio
Tuesday, 27th of February 2024
Led by Antonio

Ah, the saga of our noble band of runners embarking on a quest to save the world, one pollen particle at a time! Picture this: a chilly February day, the kind that makes you question your life choices but also secretly relish the adventure ahead. Our rendezvous point? The illustrious Phoenix, where the warmth of camaraderie battles the frost of impending exertion.

Enter Antonio, our fearless leader, whose mission briefing rivaled the plot twists of a blockbuster movie. Our objective? To rescue neglected patches of earth for the noble cause of pollination, with Finchley as our battlefield.

But hold your horses, folks! Before we charge into battle, let's pause to celebrate Niki ,our very own superheroine, who reached the elusive milestone of 100 GoodGym missions. Cue the confetti cannons and the standing ovation!

And so, off we trotted, a motley crew of eco-warriors disguised as joggers, threading through silent streets and secret footpaths like urban ninjas on a green mission. Our guide? None other than Caroline from Green Gym, the Yoda of local flora, leading us through the wilderness of Ivy and detritus.

But wait, who's this unexpected fan lurking in the shadows of suburbia? A local hero emerges, offering thanks for our valiant efforts. Cue the dramatic music and slow-motion high-fives!

And let's not forget our loyal companion, Gus, the furball mascot whose main contribution involved stealing hearts with his adorable antics. Sometimes, a cute face is all you need to win hearts and minds.

With the battlefield cleared and victory in sight, we retraced our steps to the Phoenix Cinema, our sanctum of sweat and salvation, where exercise and altruism collided in a glorious finale.

So there you have it, dear reader: a tale of laughter, lactic acid, and the triumph of community spirit over suburban apathy. Until the next adventure calls, keep running, keep laughing, and never underestimate the power of a good deed.

Report written by Paul Salman

Discuss this report

Tuesday February 27th, 2024 22:04

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Tuesday February 27th, 2024 22:04

One of my favourite reports, this one. Very witty. Great run!

Moya Malekin
Moya Malekin
Wednesday February 28th, 2024 09:30

Ha ha, love this report :) And Caroline really needs to use 'the yoda of local flora' on her signature.

Jack Da Silva
Jack Da Silva
Thursday February 29th, 2024 10:21

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Jack Da Silva
Jack Da Silva
Thursday February 29th, 2024 10:24

Congrats on 100 Niki, brilliant achievement!

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Led by Antonio

A keen runner who enjoys chatting while holding a spade. UK Athletics LiRF qualified Run Leader.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Paul Salman
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • Moya Malekin
    • Paul Salman
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Moya Malekin

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Help clear up a local woodland and recreational space Coldfall

Tuesday 18:45 - 20:15
Led by Paul Salman
Phoenix Cinema

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