
Community mission

Good Thymes and Good Deeds

11 GoodGymers made their way to help the Warneford Hospital in Oxford.

  • Isabella Collins
  • Anwen Greenaway
  • Sarah
  • Sarah McFadden
  • Linden Baxter
  • Holly
  • Ben Foster
  • Amy Holguin
  • Jessy McCabe
  • Rebecca
  • Anna Bosher
Saturday, 24th of April 2021
Led by Anwen Greenaway

What a difference 6 months makes! Back in October we had a super-soaker of a Community Mission at the Highfield Unit of the Warneford Hospital. Today we were basking in the sun as we gardened.

The Highfield Unit is the young person's ward at the Warneford Hospital. It has a large garden, which is wonderful for the young people but quite hard to keep in order with just one gardener for the whole hospital site. Today we were called in to work some GoodGym magic.

One of our small teams focused on the garden area outside the dining room: This was the domain of the injured GoodGym runners ;-) Since our last visit the weeds have re-established themselves, so we cleared them and pruned the unruly shrubbery to improve the mealtime view. Through in the next-door section of the garden another GoodGym team de-tangled brambles from choking the rosemary bush and apple sapling, and weeded and pruned as much of the border foliage as we could manage.

It's going to take a few visits to get he garden looking it's best, but we made a good start today filling 9 wheelbarrow loads of weeds and brambles.

The Highfield Unit have sussed the way to our hearts, supplying hobnobs and water to keep us fueled and hydrated as we worked.

Welcome Amy - glad you could join us for the first time.

Top suggestion of the day: Mayor Mark should instigate Umuganda in Oxford.

Report written by Anwen Greenaway

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Aston’s Eyot

Wednesday 18:00 - 19:30
Led by Anwen Greenaway
Richard Benson Hall

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