Good deeds in spades (500 of them for Sheila!!!)

24 GoodGymers made their way 6.2km to help the Braywick Nature Centre in Windsor and Maidenhead.

  • Diya Singh
  • Jenni H
  • Charlotte
  • Slough runner
  • Slough runner
  • Chris
  • Amy L
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Claire Hobson
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Tessa
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Clara Diaz
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Tony
  • Jack Douglas
  • Angela Shaw
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Wednesday, 3rd of January 2024
Led by Amy L

What an evening! A 6km walk/run, an adventurous task in Braywick Nature Reserve, and above all, a big celebration for Sheila's 500th GoodGym good deed. We couldn't have asked for better for our first group run/walk of the year.

A very warm welcome to Kate and Charlotte, who joined us for their first group run/walks with GoodGym. Hopefully the firsts of many.

A great big group of us met at the Maidenhead Community Centre, and we kicked off the festivities by giving GoodGym Queen Sheila the crown and cape that have always been there in my imagination.

Sheila and the walkers then set off across town, led by Taskforce superstar Rachel. Meanwhile the runners warmed up and then we set off too. Thanks to Claire, Gillian and Juli for offering to back mark, and to Angela and Sophie, who zoomed ahead to show the way.

On arrival at the leisure centre the runners had time for a quick bench fitness circuit before our task owner Ranger Tom and the walkers joined us. Press ups, tricep dips, mountain climbers and squat jumps - lucky runners!

I then handed over to Tom to lead our task. We had planned for planting oak trees outside the leisure centre, but the oak trees hadn't arrived, and a lot of mud had arrived on the Greenway, so Tom asked for our help with the mud instead. Good news is that we will still have an opportunity to plant the trees later in the month.

We went to the Nature Centre, where we collected wheelbarrows full of spades and rakes. Then we turned our torches to full and went into the Nature Reserve, to a stretch of the Greenway near Hibbert Road. An ash tree had fallen during the previous day's storm, and although the tree had been cleared, there was still a lot of mud and debris on the path.

Twenty four people working by torchlight made quite a spectacle amongst the dark trees of the Nature Reserve and there was a real buzz as we escaped from 'normal life' into the alternate reality of a GoodGym Winter evening session. Even Tom, who is used to being immersed in nature, enjoyed the thrill of being out in the woods in the cold and dark.

We dug, scraped, raked, scooped and chatted our way through the task, and the hard standing of the path was rapidly revealed. Tom said the same job would have taken his small team hours, so we made a real difference. Well done GoodGymers!

Then onto the important matter of the group photo. Well done Clara for getting creative and suggesting a spade/rake guard of honour for our queen. Well done Matthew for awesome photography, and well done everyone for holding up those spades for quite a long time - you wanted a work out, and you got one!

We then did the tool collection and running and walking in reverse, said goodbye to a couple of people who had to dash, and re-convened in the warm of the Maidenhead Community Centre for Sheila's big milestone celebtration.

And what a celebration! Georgeta brought her signature black forest gateau, complete with marzipan 'GG 500' lettering, Claire had made some gorgeous GF mini cupcakes, Rachel made some stunning flapjacks and pistachio biscuits, and Jack made lots of hot drinks. I presented Sheila with her sparkliest medal yet, a big card, a GoodGym mug and a hand decorated tin of tea - a nod to (and hopefully step up from) the emoji cup of tea I sent her in May 2021 to congratulate her on first GoodGym good deed at the Baby Bank.

Thanks to Matthew for capturing this all on camera. Matthew's direction of the group photo at this point in the evening was the closest I've ever felt to being at a wedding during a GoodGym session, and too right! Reaching 500 good deeds is a momentus occasion, which deserves to be captured in perfect picture form for posterity.

Sheila, WELL DONE! Not only for 500 good deeds, but for but organising and leading a huge proportion of these sessions too, and in doing so, enabling so many others to join in and and feel welcome at GoodGym.

I have a message from Sue Walker at the Boyn Grove Community Allotment saying that they 'wouldn't have managed to keep going in the last couple of years without you'. You have also made a huge difference to the Baby Bank and Braywick Heath Nurseries through regular sessions. The Craft Coop love you for your enthusiasm and contribution both on the crafty side and the practical/installation side of their projects, and your reach goes as far as Windsor, where you've made a big difference with regular Spital Cemetery sessions.

There are of course a great many other community projects and charities you have supported, as well as umpteen isolated older residents, who you have helped through social visits and gardening tasks. I will never forget the resident who made me cry (happy tears!) at a recent borough event, when she told me what a difference you had made to her life.

Kanika couldn't make this session, but sent a message, which beautifully sums up what we all think:

Sheila, thank you for being such an inspiration without any showboating. You, dear lady, are a bonafide legend ๐Ÿ˜Ž Congratulations on this amazingย achievement!ย ๐Ÿคฏ

Report written by Amy L

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Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Thursday January 4th, 2024 10:45

Such an amazing start to the GoodGym year! We've had it all in one evening: doing good, workout, celebrations, socializing, good weather, laughing, eating, etc. etc. And professional photography and a report to match it all! ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿฅณโœจ

Diya Singh
Diya Singh
Thursday January 4th, 2024 10:56

What a fantastic way to kickstart the new year!
Sheila, our humble, inspiring, shining example, deserves all the plaudits and more! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘‘โญ
Here's to the next 500!

Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Thursday January 4th, 2024 12:30

Wow, 24 people! Sorry to have missed out but loved reading the report. Sounds like a cracking start to 2024, oh wait 24 people to start 2024 ๐Ÿ˜ฒ Huge congratulations to Sheila who looks particularly fetching in the cape and crown ๐Ÿ‘‘

Vikie Fretz
Vikie Fretz
Thursday January 4th, 2024 13:23

Huge congratulations to you Sheila - you are incredible and inspiration! ๐Ÿ‘‘๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿพ

Manjit Birk
Manjit Birk
Thursday January 4th, 2024 14:41

Congratulations Sheila! 500 deeds is super awesome

Manjit Birk
Manjit Birk
Thursday January 4th, 2024 14:42

And well done Amyโ€ฆ 24 attendees is amazing!! Keep it up! Win the challenge this year for sure x

Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Thursday January 4th, 2024 17:36

Excellent report! Well done to Sheila!!

Alex King
Alex King
Thursday January 4th, 2024 19:48


Jack Da Silva
Jack Da Silva
Friday January 5th, 2024 10:25

What a great report, well done everyone and congrats to you Sheila - incredible achievement!

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Amy L
Led by Amy L

Area Activator for Windsor and Maidenhead. Loves running & Pilates and runs to escape from her hoards of small children.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Walk Leader

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
  • Back markers

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Windsor and Maidenhead runner
    • Claire Hobson

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