
Group run

Going south to go east

7 GoodGymers made their way 5.8km to help the Eastwood Green Community Garden in Redbridge.

  • Elegia Clancey
  • Peter Van Tongeren
  • Jenny McCurry
  • Linda Sharman
  • James C
  • Sharon Graham
  • AJ
Monday, 18th of September 2023
Led by Peter Van Tongeren

The power of positive thinking perhaps slightly overruled the sensible side so we left the head torches at base when we set off to join Steph at the Eastwood Community Garden in South Woodford.

It looks like this was about the last evening we could get away with it, not in the least due to the lamp posts nearby... so mental note - its that time of the year to both keep an eye on the weather as well as check the batteries in the torches.

As per usual it was a mixed bag of walking & running to task as well as meeting on site, all in all 7 of us joining Steph to hunt for specific weeds to remove as well as keeping the paths clear of any plants encroaching.

Soon enough the large green bag was about full of bits & pieces removed, with some rubbish in a big bag as well. Time to pack up, tools were collected, bags dropped off at Stephs and off we went on our separate ways again.

P.S. kudos to Linda for rememberin the banner to highlight James' milestone of 300 tasks! give him a cheer

Report written by Peter Van Tongeren

Discuss this report

Jack Da Silva
Jack Da Silva
Tuesday September 19th, 2023 16:44

Well done James, great achievement

Luton runner
Luton runner
Tuesday September 19th, 2023 18:47

High five James, great work and commitment and looks like you're having fun 👍

Thursday September 21st, 2023 16:33

🔥Whoop, whoop, great going James!!

Elegia Clancey
Elegia Clancey
Saturday September 23rd, 2023 19:04

Congrats James!

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Peter Van Tongeren
Led by Peter Van Tongeren

Runner, cyclist, rugby player, Redbridge Taskforce and Run Leader - who knows what else will follow :-)

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Linda Sharman
  • Walk Leader

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Linda Sharman
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • James C

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Bi-weekly group session - meet at Wanstead House at 6.30pm!

Monday, 5th of August 2024 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Peter Van Tongeren
Wanstead House Community Association

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