
Community mission

Going back to our youth

13 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Westminster.

  • Ivo
  • Ed Field
  • Birmingham runner
  • Emma
  • Bromley runner
  • Theresa Joseph
  • Becky
  • Chalomi King
  • Lil
  • Kim Hopkinson
  • Bournemouth runner
  • Nada
  • Jack Da Silva
Thursday, 26th of January 2023
Led by Chalomi King

The GoodGym Central Team were together in the same place and so we couldn't pass up the opportunity to sneak in a good deed. Joined by Emma, we converged on the St Andrews Youth Club in Westminster who lay claim to being the oldest youth club in the world.

The task required some serious muscle. The store room (well, garage) of the youth club had become extremely messy with bikes, christmas trees, shopping trolleys, and endless boxes strewn around the room. Our job was to take everything out, sort through it, and put it all back neat and tidy.

Kim, Dave, Ed, Ivo and Jack started the removal process with Nada, Emma, Anna, Theresa, Becky, Lil and Michelle all on sorting duty. There was a treasure trove of weird and wonderful things to pick through. Playmobil, old footballs, go kart batteries, paint, CDs (remember them?!?), tools, yoga mats, spray paints....and on and on and on.

After all the sorting it was time to bring it all back in, this time with one of my mum's favourite sayings in mind "a place for everything and everything in it's place". It was weirdly satisfying finding the right shelve or nook and cranny for each item and leaving the floor of the place completely free from clutter.

As we were getting ready to leave the club started filling up with kids from school and it was great to see them using the space. It's clearly a much loved club by the local community. After a few pics we were off again, with some of us walking and some of us running through the busy streets of London.

Report written by Ed Field

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Chalomi King
Led by Chalomi King

GoodGym Southwark runner

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Ed Field
  • Document Checker

    Check the documents of GoodGymers applying for a DBS

    • Emma
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • Theresa Joseph
    • Emma
    • Ed Field
    • Ivo

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