
Group run

Gardening Leave(s)

7 GoodGymers made their way 5km to help their local community in Wandsworth.

  • Lorna Gott
  • Anastasia Hancock
  • Catherine Moore
  • Annabel Richardson
  • Joanna
  • Caroline Wolff
  • Dylan Burns
Monday, 20th of November 2023
Led by Anastasia Hancock

After a few weeks away it was definitely time for a session at our lovely little GoodGym garden to see how it was doing. So after cheering Dylan for a great new half marathon PB, a warm up for our muscles and a quick Shakespeare related question to get our brains going too, we set off for the Omnibus theatre.

This organisation is run as an arts charity and everybody is welcome. Our job for the evening was to give some love to the space outside by weeding the front of the building, and maintaining our garden at the back.

We started with the garden, happily admiring our new fig and gooseberry trees, and seeing how the peas were coming along. We cleared all the leaves off the soil so it had a chance to breath, weeded the rocket which is coming to the end of its life, and checked up on the chard. Sadly the tomatoes were dug up as summer is well and truly behind us, but as we worked we discussed all the planting plans going forward.

Next job was out the front of the theatre, so, while gazing longingly through the window into the warm, fairy-lit bar, we gave the area a good going over whilst making more Christmas social plans. Don't forget our party is on the 11th December!

All that we had time for was a run back to base and some stretches, but there's plenty going on in the next few weeks to keep us busy. On Sunday it is the Wimbledon junior parkrun takeover and next Monday we're off to clear leaves for Christchurch community garden. The last few runs of the year are all festive, from delivering Christmas carol concert flyers to packing up Christmas boxes for the Hebe foundation. There's lots to look forward to!

Report written by Anastasia Hancock

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Painting at a local community centre

Monday 18:30 - 20:15
Led by Anastasia Hancock

Battersea Arts Centre

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