
Group run

Flight Club

5 GoodGymers made their way 4.0km to help the Recyke y'bike in Newcastle.

  • Charlotte Proud
  • Anji Andrews
  • Newcastle runner
  • Aimee
  • Emma Tomlinson
Monday, 5th of June 2023
Led by Anji Andrews

Can we start with a huge round of applause for Emma on her first ever GoodGym good deed? We loved meeting you Emma and hope to see you again soon!

On a lovely evening we met to help our friends at Recyke Y Bike to spread the word about a bike book swap event they have got coming up across Newcastle in over the summer. Recyke has been with us from the start of GGNCL and we love to help with whatever we can.

After a quick catch up on good deeds past and still to come, I had an English Lit/history lesson from Louise as I learned firstly who Bolingbroke was and why there is a street named after them in Heaton. This was the first strange moment of the night.

In an all-time first, Charlotte navigated us perfectly (I am even worse than she ever is so she won't mind this) a quick way to Heaton to get started. Louise and Aimee ran ahead while Charlotte, Emma and I walked to the start point. We made quick work of distributing 249 leaflets and it was soon time to meet at our meeting point.

Little did we know Aimee and Louise were taking part in their second good deed of the night as they checked up on an injured bird and contacted the RSPCA for help. Safe it was taken care of, they made their way back to us (Aimee still on live chat with the RSPCA!) ready for the fitness session.

The fitness session tonight included as much laughter as it did physical activity as we played a paired game which passers-by said looked like fight club (!) as well as sets of side steps and star jumps.

Upon returning to the stables, not content with two good deeds, Louise and Aimee then helped a resident locked out of the flats next door to get in touch with the housing association to get him back in.

A GoodGymer's goodness is never done! Well done everyone on a brilliant night.

Report written by Anji Andrews

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Anji Andrews
Led by Anji Andrews

Area Activator at GoodGym Newcastle. Coach, runner, wife. I wrote a book once and I talk about that quite a lot.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographers

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    • Newcastle runner
    • Charlotte Proud

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Plogging and leafleting in Byker

Monday 18:15 - 19:45
Led by Anji Andrews

Stepney Bank Stables

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